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Umbrella organisations can organise a large number of sectors in order to represent as broad a spectrum as possible and are of great importance for political dialogue. These include, for example, the ZVEI - Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e. V. (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association). (, to which the HKI is affiliated as a cooperation member, the BDI - Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e. V. (Federal Association of German Industry). ( or Orgalim (, which represents the technology industry at European level.     

Alternatively the umbrella organisations unite their own industry, but on an international level. Particularly worth mentioning here are EFCEM - European Federation of Catering Equipment Manufacturers (, in which the national industry associations for the manufacturers of catering equipment are organised at European level, or C.E.F.A.C.D - Comité Européen den Fabricats de Chauffage et de Cuisine Domestiques (, in which the manufacturers of fireplaces have joined forces at European level. HKI is a member of both bodies.

On the one hand, membership in umbrella organisations enables the HKI to gather information that is relevant to its members on as broad a basis as possible. And on the other hand, it is often helpful in the political opinion-forming process to bundle interests and to speak with one voice