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An essential contribution to achieving climate neutrality is the introduction of a circular economy. It is being implemented, among other things, by revising the Ecodesign Directive with the introduction of sustainability principles. Product cycles are to be closed through product service and take-back systems. In order to serve the new markets of the future, many things must accordingly be taken into account in product design: Repairability, reusability, repair (predective maintanance or modular systems, for example), remanufacturing, modernisation, upgradeability, recycling and disassembly.
Extending product life through better design and smart use is an effective way to preserve value, avoid waste and reduce CO2.

The circular economy brings environmental benefits to the fore through a new production and use model. This includes different strategies at the material and product cycle level. The value of products and materials is maximised.  Waste and resource consumption are minimised and when a product reaches the end of its life, its material is reused again and again in our industry or in other industries to create further value.
The goal is to include the entire value chain. Ultimately, an industrial symbiosis is established with the creation of circular value chains:
Resources are tracked, surpluses are compensated, product materials or recyclable waste are better exchanged. All industrial sectors are affected.

To this end, the HKI office in Brussels has drawn up a roadmap so that member companies can get an idea of what this change in the economy looks like and what impact it will all have on them.  Together with with the EU institutions, "Circular Business Models" are also being considered here.

Circular economy

Material efficiency

The political focus is shifting from the pure consideration of energy efficiency to a more holistic approach. Material efficiency is essential to this.